Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Think before you look and then PRAY!

Many have asked to see pictures of Joel. They aren't pretty pics and I wouldn't post
all we took. Each day we took a pic so we could see his improvement. It's amazing how fast the body heals, especially when your young.

It has been 4 months since his accident. God has healed his body. His long and short term memory are so much better. There is still need for growth in his reasoning, attitude and overall cognitive thinking skills. My prayer is for him to soon be able to get back into the work field as well as get some technical trainging for his future. All in the Lords time.

Joel will be baptised in a few weeks. He wants to continue to grow and change as a "new man" in Christ. Please pray with me that God will open his eyes to see how he needs to be faithfully in the Word and find new and solid Christian friends.

Maybe you can tell, once again I have been having a fight with the computer to get the formatting of these just right. Yes, the computer is winning. Will I ever learn?

I did have two other pictures on here but they disappeared into some other world. But these will suffice.

Certainly God is good and we rejoice in His kindness towards us. May Joel ever be reminded by his own scars of the grace of God towards him.


Christina said...

Thanks for posting, Mom. It was so hard not being able to fly out there and wondering what he was going through. It's just hard to imagine from so far away. He is looking great, though.

Rachel said...

It's neat to hear that Joel is wanting to grow as a believer. Praise the Lord for His work in our lives!

Kelly said...

Keep the updates coming, Marti. It's wonderful to see how God is working in Joel's life through such a horrific event and that he is desiring to deepen his relationship with the Lord.

Scott and Lynn said...

I have been so encouraged by your example as you, as a mom, have endured this hardship! We pray for you, and it is a great joy to hear good news! Thanks for your consistent example to all of us young moms.

jenica said...

What it must have been like for a mother to see her son looking like that!
I'm glad to know he is progressing both physically and spiritually.
Nice to say "hi" this weekend!

Elizabeth Cravillion said...

Wow...that's amazing. So good to hear of all the Lord has been doing. I've been praying when the Lord brought Joel to mind.

Heather Anne Riden said...

Thank you for the encouraging words, Marti!
I have been praying for you and your family a lot and I just hope everything is going well! Tell them I say hi!

Anonymous said...

Just stumbled upon your blog today. You were such an encouragement to me today, as a young mother. And, I praise God for the work He is doing in your son's life and for his physical healing. Thanks for being a light to others.