Monday, June 25, 2007

I am SO Blessed!

Wow! One month has passed and I haven't posted a thing. Life is busier than ever.

Joel is doing very well. His wounds are healing but there are still things that we are dealing with in regards to the accident.

He had surgery last Wed. the 20th on his thumb. The doctor didn't feel it was healing as it should and felt he needed a pin in it. There is a 60% chance of full recovery. This of course means that Joel will not be driving as soon as he had hoped. But I keep reminding him that God is working what is best and he is sweetly taking each day as it comes.

I am so blessed in our relationship right now. Joel is no longer the young may you once knew him to be. I would that you could all visit with him and see and hear the difference, it is amazing. There is a real spiritual work going on and Joel is a willing participant. He is asking for baptism but our busy schedule (Ken's out of town camp and vbs work) as well as Joels cast on his wrist, not to mention the things going on with my father have kept us from being able to visit with the elders about it. This too we leave in the Lords hands. I wouldn't want anything other than His timing and purposes.

He does have an appt. to look at his knee on Tue. as it is swelling quite a bit. Not sure what will happen there. The Lord also provided another therapy scholarship so we can have another month of therapy (cognitive) that his therapist said he really needed. She is doing an excellent job. I sit in with them and am fascinated with the work they are doing with him. It helps me know how to help him at home too.

Some of you may have heard that my father was admitted to the hospital last week also. He has some internal bleeding and the doctors are uncertain as to where it is. He has an upper GI scheduled for tomorrow. His colonoscopy was negative as to bleeding. They had to give him 2 units of blood over the weekend. He is stronger since then. He also has congestive heart failure and they are draining fluid from around his heart and lungs via diuretics.

If you read this, will you encourage others to come here for updates? Brandon and Grace have been so busy with - well, life. You know how it is!

I did have my little granddaughter Elisa over the week end. What a joy she was. Indeed, children's children are the crown of old age!

Gods blessings upon you today. Remember, He orders our steps and today especially He is caring for you!


Ruth said...

Thanks for posting the update. We have been praying for your father and will continue to do so. That is such encouraging news about Joel!

Brooke said...

I have been so encouraged to hear the wonderful updates on Joel. Praise the Lord! Man, what a year this has been...

Rachel said...

Good to hear, Marti. As always, we are still praying and are so thankful to hear of Joel's interested in spiritual things. We love you guys...

Tim S. said...

Hey Marti!
Just wanted to let ya know I'm praying for your family!
God Bless!

-Tim Skiles

Heather Anne Riden said...

Thanks for the update Mrs. Miller. Out family has been praying for you father and Joel.
Love you
Heather Schiete

Kelly said...

Marti! It's so good to hear an update about you and your family. I have been praying for Joel's continued recovery. It's wonderful to hear how the Lord is working in Him through this accident. Continuing to pray...

Caleb and Anna said...

Good to read this and hear how things have been since the accident. I didn't know how things were. It's wonderful news to hear physical and spiritual improvement. -Anna